Thursday, September 25, 2008

On National Geographic.... Once Again!!

It's a great feeling to see my picture on National Geographic once again (September Week 4- Daily Dozen). While the previous was picked from my photo gallery, this one had to be submitted as an entry(one per month). From the received submissions, Nat Geo's photo editor, Susan Welchman, then selects her daily dozen pictures to be displayed of which, some get printed in the monthly magazine.

Since this is my very first entry, it's extra special to see it been picked. I must admit that it's given me quite a high.

One item checked off my photography goals list.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Save The Wild!

I love watching and shooting animals through my lens. I keep my camera handy to capture any chance encounter. In recent times I came across such a mythological character, comparable to the Unicorn.

He had a mane like a horse and the rest of his head had the lovely yellow spots of a leopard. He walked with the same stealth and confidence of a cat in it's domain. The spots, which usually work as a camouflage had only made him the center of attraction this time.

In my pursuit to become a wild life photographer, I was not going to leave any stone unturned. I grabbed my camera as he was walking away and took just one shot before he vanished. I stood there in awe of what I had just seen.

There is an animal deep down within all of us. Some just reveal it at all times.
My request to all... "Save The Wild- All Kinds!"

Friday, September 12, 2008


What is Photography?

Interesting question isn't it? I have asked this question to photographers, enthusiasts, friends, family members and collegues and have received varied answers. Some defined the science behind it and some the emotion. To quote a few:

" Play of light"

" All about depth of field"

" Capturing moments"

" Drawing with light"

" Science of capturing light"

" Art of recording an image"

Sunil Shinde, my collegue, gave the most profound reply. He said,"Photography is moving people by stopping light''. He not only captured the emotion, but also the science behind taking a picture. Most importantly, in a few words.
Absolutely love it, Sunil!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Featured on National Geographic!

What a cheerful start to the day.
The sun is out and beaming. My wife, Kanishtha complimented me on the way I am dressed. We laughed the entire way to work. I should have just picked on these signs that it is meant to be a happy day.

I switched on my laptop and was browsing through the National Geographic website reading articles when I stumbled upon the featured dog gallery. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw a picture I had shot. Jazz (King Charles Spaniel), Shobha and Sunil Gowda's pup is featured here. It was picked from "My Shots" photo gallery. To see the picture, go to

I am quite kicked to see my name featured below it. My day is already made, and it's just starting.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Good Evening, Seattle!

Watching Seattle change colors in twilight was a delight from a bridge on Beacon Hill, in the southeast neighborhood of Seattle. Downtown skyscrapers reflect the orange glow of the sun setting in the Sound. Head and tail lights of cars leave yellow and red trails as they zoom past the freeway.
These stunning views are soaked in by photography enthusiasts who line up closely on the bridge to capture them on their lens.

Shot for almost two hours before heading to Kerry Park, up on Queen Anne.
Every photographer, living in Seattle has shot views of downtown from here at some time. The view is stunning as the skyline poses Downtown Seattle, Elliott Bay, the West Seattle peninsula, Bainbridge Island, and Mount Rainier.

Thank you, Raj (buddy and avid photographer) for introducing me to these locations and spending the evening shooting Seattle. We should do this again.

My Moment- Captured!

Through my college years I never took a photograph. Each capture was mental. I had made a choice to not settle for a point and shoot camera, but buy a SLR when I could afford one. In hindsight, this has proven to be a wise decision.

Ever since I bought my Nikon D50 in Apr 2006 I have found my calling. I vowed never to miss a frame again.

Through this blog I wish to share, reflect upon and re-live ‘moments’ captured through my lens over these past years.

First picture taken on Apr 24, 2006

Last picture taken on Sep 6, 2008